Saturday, 7 February 2009

Mr. Wa'aii Birthday

My Brother Wa'aii and its his 15th birthday

Friday, 6 February 2009

McDonald..I'm lovin' it

Why do so many people like to eat at mcdonald? Is it because those damn fries??..or because they are addicted??..or because they don’t want to go home and cook!!..or its a cure for hangovers..or they can’t cook.period!!..eemmm?? some says its overpriced, hilariously unhealthy, and culinarily undesirable. But for me its because
” I’m loving it”:-p
o me..!!!

Mummy Jai, Uncle Zai & Wasiq

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Mr Sukaimi@Mingu@Uncle Wedding

His My Uncle..his My Friend, and his like a bro to me..hemmm..its a bit weird.
Anyway its not to late to say Selamat Pengantin Baru bro..hahahaa

My Sis

My Babu

And the Boss

For more photo click

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

PLK Zombies

This picture was taken during the President Cup 2007 Softball Tournment,
I did some editing to it. As I'm no pro editor but I do enjoy doing it..